Independent retailers based in Ipswich will be eligible for a grant as a council looks to enhance the appearance of a town centre.
Up to £2,000 would be on offer for smaller businesses or landlords in Ipswich, Suffolk, for those wishing to improve the appearance of business.
A spokesperson for Ipswich Borough Council said projects that aim to bring vacant units back into use, encourage new businesses, or increase vibrancy will be prioritised.
The grant could see outside painting work done or brick repairs, improvements to signs, fitting of new doors or windows, or disability access.
Other projects considered would include the installation of outdoor covers, deep cleans, new outdoor plants, or new seating.
Those businesses considering applying for a grant should have at least five years remaining on their lease and will be assessed by a council panel.
Anyone interested should contact the council, via opportunities@ipswich.gov.uk.
National retailers, chains with more than three locations, charities, betting shops and pawnbrokers are not eligible for this grant, the council said.
Cllr David Ellesmere added: “This is a great opportunity for businesses and landlords to spruce up their premises and improve the customer experience. We would particularly welcome any applications that help bring vacant town centre units back into use”